Unit 1: Definition and Actors of a Water school

In this unit you will learn:

  1. What is a water school?
  2. What are the goals of a water school?
  3. Who needs to be involved, in order to be a water school?

Introduction to the topic

Water is essential for our cells and contributes to their ability to function. Furthermore, various substances dissolve in water, it is therefore necessary to transport these nutrients throughout our body. Besides, water helps to ensure the acid-base balance, regulates our body temperature through sweat and by extracting water from our body harmful substances can be eliminated.

Therefore, water is essential to maintain ones water household and all bodily functions. Usually, the body makes sure that that our fluid intake is high enough through thirst. However, during a busy school day the students often forget to drink even if they are thirsty.

The role and importance of drinking water in schools is well known by educators. Water schools support students in drinking water during classes and breaks. The schools implement drinking rituals and encourage the students to drink water throughout the whole school day.

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