Viva Servizi (Italy)

Viva Servizi is a company that has managed the integrated water service in 43 municipalities in the provinces of Ancona and Macerata and the distribution of methane gas in 15 municipalities, through Edma Reti Gas. It is a company with public capital born from the merger of Gorgovivo and Cisco Acque, two companies present in the province of Ancona for over 30 years that decided to invest in knowledge of the main element of our planet: water. In fact Viva Servizi offers the possibility to teachers and young people to deepen the theme of public water both through the pages of its portal, and the related social networks, and with guided tours at the Gorgovivo Springs in Serra S.Quirico. Here, in addition to visiting the spring to discover the water cycle, it is possible to carry out educational workshops with themed interactive stations, thanks to the collaboration with the Polytechnic University of Marche and Fosforo: the science festival in Senigallia.

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