Waterschool Ramsharde in Flensburg (Germany)

When you are moving, you have to drink a lot, and this is especially so for children. But water is also very important for the regulation of body temperature, the transport of oxygen and nutrients in the blood and the removal of metabolites via the urine. Unfortunately, more than 50% of children in Germany drink less than the guidelines recommend. However, a study showed that children like to drink when the drink is attractive and readily available (Do-KIDS in Form, 2008-2011).

Therefore, the teachers of the award-winning future school Ramsharde in the framework of the school development day in 2016 decided that the access to water should be made easier for the children of their institution. This resulted in a planning group "Water for All", which set the mission statement for the water school. In order to ensure the drinking water quality in the school, the specialist for school health contacted the health department in Flensburg. In addition, a "Water School" project lesson was introduced for each class to explore the importance of water to health. Here, the students should be made aware that it is important to drink regularly and a lot. The parents also received a letter with information on the topic of home and the school's development association donated a tray and a water jar to each class. In addition, the juvenile care of the local health department provided each child with a drinking cup, so that everyone can drink enough tap water during school hours.

More about the school and the project can be found at https://schuleramsharde.lernnetz.de/index.php/wasserschule.html

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