Unit 1: Teachers resources - pre-school settings

Many children significantly drink less than recommended, especially in schools and kindergartens. In younger children, the thirst is not fully developed, in older children, it is often superimposed by other stimuli (games, communication). Children need support to learn how to promote healthy drinking. Health promoting habits arise through implementation of drinking water in every day kindergarten life.

In this unit, you will find resources for promoting water consumption in kindergardens.

Shape healthy drinking habits

Ensure that children have access to safe, free drinking water throughout the school environment before, during, and after school.

Make drinking water available

  • Children always have free access to drinking water in classroom (e.g. water bar with jug and glasses, water tap at children´s hight)
  • Children have access to water at activities outside (e.g. bottles, water fountain, water dispencer)
  • Water is regulary served to meals (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack)

More information on how to implement a Waterschool  - see Modul 2

Remind children to drink enough

It happens to children as well as to pedagogues: Because of all the activities in the kindergarden, the drinking of water is completely forgotten. Therefor the most important educational measure is to remind the drinking of water!

  • Drinking rituals and drinking breaks (e.g. drinking after sport, after outdoor activities, after the morning circle)
  • Drinking toasts to animate to drink water
  • Posters and slogans remind of drinking water

Water activities and lessons

Activity: Earth is a water planet, humans are water beings

Activity: The eternal cycle of water

Activity: Our water is experienced

Activity: Explore water in/around the kindergarten

Activity: Water tasting

Activity: Colour of water

Key points for kindergardens

  • Children have free access to drinking water in class and at outside activities.
  • Water is regulary served at meals (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack).
  • Pedagogues also drink water (role model).
  • Drinking water is actively promoted daily.
  • Only water or herbal infusion is drunk at kindergarten.
  • Parents do not give drinks.
  • Pedagogues support water drinking with educational programs on the topic.

Credit: gutessen

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