
Water and health

  • More than 20 percent of children and young people in the EU are either overweight or obese. These rates have increased significantly over the past decades.

  • The consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks is often associated with obesity in children. Almost 40 percent of the sugar consumed by young children, comes from drinking sugar-sweetened drinks.

  • Promotion and provision of drinking water in schools has shown to prevent overweight.

  • In Europe, 20 to 90 percent of 6-year-old children have dental fillings and at the age of 12, an average of 0.5–3.5 permanent teeth are affected by caries, as a result of dental decay.

  • The consumption of sugary drinks can lead to dental decay and the resulting fillings. This can be avoided by encouraging the consumption of drinks without sugar.

  • Drinking water in schools is key to preventing obesity and fillings.

Water and school performance

  • Nearly half of schoolchildren do not meet their minimum hydration requirements.

  • Even mild dehydration can cause cognitive impairment, tiredness, and headaches; all of which impact negatively upon academic attainment.

  • Proper hydration is an important prerequisite for concentration and performance in school.

  • Drinking water promotes efficiency.

Water and the environment

  • Promoting the protection and sustainable utilization of the water resources is an important goal for this project.

  • Every minute, a million plastic bottles are bought around the world and this number will jump another 20 percent by 2021.

  • Plastic bottles are one of the most commonly discarded plastic items found on European beaches.

  • Schools that are free of single-use plastic bottles play an important role in helping to implement the EU Plastics Strategy.

  • Effective education raises awareness of the importance of water and environmental protection.

  • Drinking tap water reduces bottled waste

Little effort - big impact!

To promote drinking water at school contributes to a schools’ development as health aware and health and sustainable promoting school.

Five Key Points

  • Drinking water in schools is the key to preventing obesity and fillings.
  • Drinking water promotes efficiency: cognitive capacity and physical performance.
  • Drinking enough water helps against tiredness and headaches
  • Effective education raises awareness of the importance of water and environmental protection.
  • Drinking tap water reduces bottled waste

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