Unit 2: Teachers resources – primary school


Environmental education is interpreted as education aimed at forming ecological culture, environmental awareness and environmental behavior - in their mutual connection and unity - with a view to preserving ecological balance. It is an education to build the environmental competences that underpin environmentally sustainable development.

Environmental education in primary school is mainly implemented in three aspects:

  • experiences in nature;
  • working in school gardens;
  • training on the idea of environmental protection.

Source: pixabay

Ecological education for children is directly related to understanding, respect and care for nature, the future of the planet, the development of modern thinking and behavior - adequate to climate change and new lifestyle trends. Today, education forms active knowledge, environmental beliefs and a new attitude of the individual towards the natural environment. All this must be linked to the formation of patterns of thinking and behavior that maintain ecological balance and quality of the environment.

Fun Fact:  Without water, the Earth would look like the moon.

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