Drinking habits in European Countries  

Europe has a lot of water resources, which are mostly clean; in most Europen countries people can drink tap water. Take a look at which countries it is safe to drink tap water and where it is better to buy bottled water:

Water availability and socio-economic activity in Europe are unevenly distributed, leading to major differences in levels of water stress over seasons and regions. Water demand across Europe has steadily increased over the past 50 years, partly due to population growth. This has led to an overall decrease in renewable water resources per capita by 24 % across Europe. This decrease is particularly evident in southern Europe, caused mainly by lower precipitation levels. For instance, in the summer of 2015, renewable freshwater resources (such as groundwater, lakes, rivers or reservoirs) were 20 % less than in the same period in 2014 because of a 10 % net drop in precipitation. More people moving to cities and towns have also impacted demand, especially in densely populated areas.

The EEA estimates that around one-third of the EU territory is exposed to water stress conditions, for example, Greece, Portugal, and Spain during the summer months, but water is also becoming an issue in north, including parts of the UK and Germany. Agricultural areas with intensive irrigation, islands in southern Europe popular with tourists and large urban agglomerations are the biggest water stress hotspots. Water shortages are expected to become more frequent because of climate change.

However, improvements in water efficiency and management of water supplies have resulted in an overall decrease in total water abstraction of 19 % since 1990. EU’s water policies encourage Member States to implement better water management practices. (24)

Water intake across European Countries

Table 4 presents data on the intake of drinking water and non-alcoholic beverages in EU countries, based on recent national surveys. The data is not comparable between countries due to different dietary assessment methods and definitions used to describe non-alcoholic beverages (water can be in non-alcoholic beverages, milk and fruit juices can be excluded). Nonetheless, EFSA notes that water intake in European countries is lower than the recommended or guidance values (EFSA 2010). Several populations, including France, Ireland, Italy and Sweden, consume less than 1500 ml of fluid (non-alcoholic beverages) per day. In terms of drinking water intake, most countries consume less than 1000 ml/d, with the exception of Austria, Germany, Norway and U.K. Restrictions in the work environment, physical disabilities, cognitive or mental problems, lack of social support particularly in vulnerable population groups may affect good hydration.

In adolescents, one dietary survey across 9 EU countries (BE, DE, EL, ES, FR, IT, HU, AU, SE) in 2012 found beverage consumption was 1611 ml/d in boys and 1316 ml/d in girls (Duffey et al 2012). The most consumed fluid per person was water (721.5ml/d), followed by sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) (227.7 ml/d), and fruit juice (132.6 ml/d). A higher percentage of girls drank water than boys while more boys than girls consumed SSBs.(25) 

Open the link and take a look at Table 4 and see what is Water intake across European Countries (scroll down to Table 4).

Some nations consume more water than others. Take a look at this Statista Chart: Where Europeans Consume The Most Tap Water.

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