Unit 3: Teachers resources - secondary school

Social behavior patterns, marketing and, of course, role models influence the consumption behavior of adolescents. However, availability is one of the main factors of influence. What is constantly in mind in everyday life (e.g. at school) appears to be more positive, more appealing and is also consumed more often (mere exposure effect).

Drinking behavior is habituation thing. The design of the school environment, the beverage supply and the steering communication influences the drinking behavior in schools.

Make water available and visible

  • Lead attention to water (drinking) in several places (classrooms, sport area, aula, break area…) with posters, infoscreen, notice board, drink reminder during the lessons…)
  • Offer water well visible and at the reach (jug and glasses in the break area, water bottles on the desk..)
  • Schools with lunch/snack offer: Offer water in waiting areas and at the tables

Water activities and lessons

The topic of water offers a variety of possibilities for teaching in secondary schools. Some of the lessons, we suggested in Unit 2 are also suitable for secondary schools. Here you find some more examples of activities.

Activity: Are you drinking enough?

Activity: Analyse adverts for bottled sweetened drinks

Activity: Create adverts for tap water

Activity: Access beverages

Question of the day

Each day a brief information on drinking water - presented as a question-answer game - Question of the day! This can be an interesting way to gain knowledge and to keep the topic of water up to date.

Activity: Question of the day

Credit: gutessen consulting/Lilia Dodova

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